Daily U.S. Casualties
As of Sunday, at least 2,766 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to n Associated Press count. The figure includes seven military civilians. At least 2,198 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military’s numbers.
The British military has reported 119 deaths; Italy, 33; Ukraine, 18; Poland, 17; Bulgaria, 13; Spain, 11; Denmark, 6; El Salvador, 4; Slovakia, three; Estonia, Netherlands, Thailand, 2 each; and Australia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Romania, on death each.
3001 men have died so far because of President George Bush.
I am a democrat, and a former soldier in the US Army, and I am very saddened to see the loss of life that came about as a result of this war...but I don't blame it all on President Bush (I blame about 80% of it on him) but there were other factors/people that made up the other 20%.
WE HAVE TO FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If we were fighting against the people who did 9/11, that might be different. But this Jackass AKA...Bush...is not fighting a war for those reasons...he is fighting a war for the oil and the money behind that. Give me a good reason to fight and I'll be right there with my gun in my hand.
I would like to see that.
Sadom was the money reper, we stoped him, Desert Storm!!!
Why do we (the United States) have to be the ones who try to solve the world's problems?
Protect our borders and keep all those other jackass's out of our country.
Bush Sucks!!! He doesn't know what the hell he is doing. I would rather have someone who had an affair than some jackass who has put us billions of dollars in debt.
That is a good question, why don't you ask that to the freaking boneheads that crashed into the trade centers in the first place!?! THEY draged US into this war, they have been fighting over there for thousands of years, but this time, they draged us into the middle of it, why? Read the coron, it says to slay all unbelevers. That is why we are fighting.
The individuals who crashed into the trade center were not originally from Iraq…they only later joined the cause.
They could have just secured our borders better and kept these type of people out, instead of playing he hit me…so I’ve I to hit him back. Kill me I kill you…whatever happened to, ‘turn the other cheek?’ …that is if you are a believer in God…then that is what you should have done.
The CORON says slay all non-believers,... and they (the individuals who did 911) dragged us into the middle of their war that has been going on for thousands of years… Correct? So what this really says is they couldn’t stop their war that has been going on ‘forever’ …so the 911 individuals duped us into fighting a war that they could not fight? Correct?
They draged us into the war because they hate us because we are "non-beleavers and they want to kill all non-beleavers. If we pull out our troops like Briton, they will just strike once more, only they will strike the pentigon or the white house. Thankfuly, the heros on United 93 stoped that from happening.
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