I went to McDonald's today, armed with an assault rifle and intending to kill 30 or 40 people. You didn't see me, because I look just like you.
From an early age I have had an unvarnished,
Immoral desire to nourish the obscene flame.
I discreetly burn my anger, fury
Resentments and irritations.
The gravity of the moment was enticing.
It would be perfect, unblemished, flawless perfection.
There was no premeditation as I lit the match.
I stared at its rhythmic dance
Its elegant glare was inviting.
It was such an attractive reflection, captivating.
Don’t you want to feel all that heat?
The smell was aromatic with destruction in mind.
The anticipation of the moment was pure pleasure.
I was unruffled, steady, composed as I watched the flame
Beg for more timber to consume.
I stared with eyes half closed as the smoldering began to flourish.
With one breath, the flames flicker and quickly ignite into
Dazzling, graceful colors of light.
Don’t you want to touch it?
Like a thief in the night I feel repulsive.
I must liberate myself.
I can not take my eyes away.
I watch from a distance as it begins to
Devour, scorch, and obliterate everything it touches.
I felt such gratification, pleasure as the vibrant flames
Danced poetically higher and higher.
The progression was savage, untamed.
Everything in its path is blackened as it spreads out of control.
A million eyes watching
The most sanitary ecosystem.
It contorts, cleanses, annihilates with deliberate devastation.
Things melt, buckle, and dissolve
In an awe-inspiring spectacular, brutal mutilation.
The colors of the flame have their own private messages.
The untamed rage sends out sparks of pulsing chaos.
Don’t you want to reach for it and examine its perfection?
For them it was repulsive, senseless, needless, ghastly deed.
For me it was a bold, delightful, festive, pleasing, and glorious
Display of crimson colored embers.
The twinkles and flashes obscenely
Transformed into pulsating, vibrating disorder.
I feel satisfied, alive as the unrelenting
Radiant flames incinerate the somber night.
Sirens sound intimidating, yet delightful
Causing my adrenaline to spontaneously burst.
The smell was pungent and spicy
Burning my nostrils with rapture.
Its bold, pleasing wrath
Ruins, devastates and withers.
I wanted it to take me and do its will.
As the turbulent flame was extinguished
Things were no longer dirty, grimy, or contaminated.
The land has been purified,
Made hygienic.